Fast implementation: we must act today – Bruny Surin

July 4, 2018

“ Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy. ”
– Wayne Gretzky

To succeed in business, or in any field, I am convinced that it is necessary to always seek to improve and acquire new knowledge. That’s why, as part of my conferences, I encourage people not to hesitate to attend conventions, train or mentor.

To succeed in business, or in any field, I am convinced that it is necessary to always seek to improve and acquire new knowledge. That’s why, as part of my conferences, I encourage people not to hesitate to attend conventions, train or mentor. The goal is not only to become more efficient and better equipped, but also to follow the evolution and changes that affect your respective environment. However, acquiring new knowledge is not enough; you also have to be able to apply them.

Indeed, a client recently told me that after attending a conference, he felt his motivation increase for a few days at work before it returned to normal. He hoped to find a way to conserve that energy longer.

So I asked him what he was doing with the new apprenticeships he had faced during his training. His answer: nothing special. This behavior is not unique. Nearly 98% of people who think of taking action never put it in motion.

So here’s my tip: every time you learn something, make sure you find out how it can be adapted to your particular area and put it into practice quickly. This is the only way to progress.

My thinking is: what can you do today to be better tomorrow? Be constantly on the lookout for an aspect of your personality or work method on which to stake. Do not wait until tomorrow. Act now, apply your knowledge from the acquisition.

So you will always want to learn and gradually you will become a true expert.

Go get it!
